Chapter 15

Darning A Hole in Your Sock

Get your darning needle and egg ready.

Repairing a hole in a worn sock is worth the small effort it takes. Be sure to use thread that matches the color, texture and weight of the sock being repaired.

  • Place the damaged sock inside out over a darning egg, or light bulb, to make your work easier.


    Place the damaged sock inside out over a darning egg, or light bulb, to make your work easier.

  • Thread darning needle without tying off the end. Knotting it will make the repair bulky.


    Thread darning needle without tying off the end. Knotting it will make the repair bulky.

  • Starting within the intact portion of the sock, sew a running stitch starting ½ inch above, & on either side, of the hole.


    Starting within the intact portion of the sock, sew a running stitch starting ½ inch above, & on either side, of the hole.

  • Continue sewing back & forth, moving towards the hole.


    Continue sewing back & forth,
    moving towards the hole.

  • When you reach the hole, push the needle into one edge of the hole & continue making long, back & forth, running stitches that cross the hole.


    When you reach the hole, push the needle into one edge of the hole & continue making long, back & forth, running stitches that cross the hole.

  • Continue sewing until the stitches extend roughly past a 1/3 inch (1 cm) on the other side of the hole.


    Continue sewing until the stitches extend roughly past a 1/3 inch (1 cm) on the other side of the hole.

  • Turn the sock to begin a row of stitches perpendicular to the first pass. Again, begin your running stitches,this time weaving them under & above the first pass of threads.


    Turn the sock to begin a row of stitches perpendicular to the first pass. Again, begin your running stitches,this time weaving them under & above the first pass of threads.

  • Turn the sock to begin a row of stitches perpendicular to the first pass. Again, begin your running stitches,this time weaving them under & above the first pass of threads.


    Turn the sock to begin a row of stitches perpendicular to the first pass. Again, begin your running stitches,this time weaving them under & above the first pass of threads.

  • Continue back & forth until you have completely filled the hole. Trim excess thread. Voilà!


    Continue back & forth until you have completely filled the hole. Trim excess thread.

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