Chapter 15
Darning A Hole in Your Sock
Get your darning needle and egg ready.
Repairing a hole in a worn sock is worth the small effort it takes. Be sure to use thread that matches the color, texture and weight of the sock being repaired.
Place the damaged sock inside out over a darning egg, or light bulb, to make your work easier.
Thread darning needle without tying off the end. Knotting it will make the repair bulky.
Starting within the intact portion of the sock, sew a running stitch starting ½ inch above, & on either side, of the hole.
Continue sewing back & forth,
moving towards the hole. -
When you reach the hole, push the needle into one edge of the hole & continue making long, back & forth, running stitches that cross the hole.
Continue sewing until the stitches extend roughly past a 1/3 inch (1 cm) on the other side of the hole.
Turn the sock to begin a row of stitches perpendicular to the first pass. Again, begin your running stitches,this time weaving them under & above the first pass of threads.
Turn the sock to begin a row of stitches perpendicular to the first pass. Again, begin your running stitches,this time weaving them under & above the first pass of threads.
Continue back & forth until you have completely filled the hole. Trim excess thread.
Chapter 01:
Standard Staples
Chapter 02:
Removing the Sock Rider
Chapter 03:
Wearing & Pairing
Chapter 04:
Match Point
Chapter 05:
Color Coding
Chapter 06:
Can’t-go-wrong Combos
Chapter 07:
Going Sockless
Chapter 08:
Sock Dont’s
Chapter 09:
Personality Index
Chapter 10:
Sock Nationality Index
Chapter 11:
Underwear Criteria
Chapter 12:
Underwear Types
Chapter 13:
Underwear Anatomy
Chapter 14:
Preserving & Protecting
Chapter 15:
Darning A Hole in Your Sock
Chapter 16:
Closet Rules
Chapter 17:
Ways to Organize
Chapter 18:
How To Fold
Chapter 19:
Travel & Packing
Chapter 20:
Fit Tips