Chapter 03

Wearing & Pairing

The great sock debate!

Try to contain yourselves on this one. Although many people don’t give their socks a second thought, or even a first thought, it’s a controversial subject in certain circles. Socks are an often-overlooked opportunity to add a little personality into your outfit. It’s a way to add a splash of color to a monochromatic ensemble. Especially for men, socks have the unique ability of showing the world that this guy walking around in the otherwise sober suit just might not be a total stiff. That maybe he’s not so stuffy underneath it all.

  • A little color is nice.
    A little color is nice. You don’t have to go wild but this is an area to have a little fun. Options abound.
  • Socks can relate to your shirt, your tie, your eyes, your car.
    Socks can relate to your shirt, your tie, your eyes, your car. What socks you wear can depend on what you’ve got going on upstairs, but they don’t need to match identically.
  • The right sock can make, break or shake-up an outfit.
    The right sock can make, break or shake-up an outfit. Think of socks as the finishing touch, an exclamation point on your outfit.

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