Chapter 06

Can’t-go-wrong Combos

A style for every occasion.

Good style, like good manners, means having a personality, but not being overbearing. A sense of humor, without being rude. It’s knowing what’s appropriate for any given situation — and adding your own je ne sais quoi.

  • Formal Attire

    Formal Attire


    Wear black socks with a black suit, navy with navy, black or grey with grey.

    Khaki Suit

    Tan socks are fail-safe and fool-proof.
    Black is a bad idea. Navy or red socks work.


    Black socks with black slacks. If you’re going with the showbiz all-white suit, wear white dress socks with white shoes.

  • Casual Attire

    Casual Attire


    Keep socks a shade darker than your jeans so they aren’t glaringly bright, unless you’re doing it intentionally.


    Ankle socks or no shows. Or go bold with a higher sock for a more retro Royal Tenenbaums look. Just don’t wear dress socks.

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